Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Duplicate Yourself

Why do people not grow?

One of the reasons why you’ve remained stagnant is because you haven’t duplicated yourself.
You haven’t followed the Law of Duplication.
But duplication is everywhere.
Nature is based on duplication.
Just look around you and you’ll find it at work.

The Law of Duplication Works In Your Income Too
If you duplicate yourself, you duplicate your income.
It’s very simple. 
When you duplicate yourself, you increase the number of people you serve. When you increase the number of people you serve, you increase your income.
If you don’t duplicate yourself, your income remains stagnant. 
And even if it does increase, your income only enjoys linear growth. If you duplicate, your income enjoys exponential growth.

You Form Teams
There’s a Chinese proverb that says:
If you want one year of prosperity, grow seeds.
If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees.
If you want a lifetime of prosperity, grow people.

Sell Things Through Teams
       If you’re selling products by yourself, that’s still Active Income. But if you sell through teams, you’ve moved to Passive Income.
Let me give you an example.
When I was a kid, I liked going to this tiny bakery selling Spanish Bread. It was my favorite snack. Butter and sugar inside the soft roll. Yum. The bakery was really a hole in the wall. Very tiny.
But every time I went there, there was this tricycle outside. And she would haul crates of the bread into a tricycle. What did this mean? She was delivering to thirty stores who were selling her Spanish bread.
What was she doing? Duplication.
If she sold the Spanish bread all by herself, that was Active Income. The moment she asked other stores to sell for her, she crossed the line from Active Income to Passive Income. 
The result of duplication was astounding. Four years later, I saw that little store become a four-story building. All built by Spanish Bread.
You Use Technology
A book is a primitive form of technology.
When I write a book, I duplicate myself. 
There are thousands of bookstores all over the country, and I’m in every one.
We’re also in Radio and TV.
The internet is one of the most powerful ways I duplicate myself. Every Monday, I email my Soulfoodnewsletter to 100,000+ subscribers. Everyday, I email Bible Reflections to 30,000+ KerygmaFamily members.
       Find a way to duplicate yourself through technology.
Who Are The Richest People?
       The richest people are those who use the 2 ways of duplication to create their Passive Income. They form teams and they use technology.
       Ask yourself today. 
How can you duplicate?
How can you duplicate in your job?
How can you duplicate yourself via a business?
How can you duplicate yourself in your ministry?
How can you create your Passive Income?

Indeed, your future is brighter than your past!
I believe God wants more for your life.
God wants you to expand.
To become better.
To go higher.
To increase.
To love more. 
To serve more. 
To prosper so that you can prosper others.
       Friend, duplicate.
       May your dreams come true,
       Bo Sanchez

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